Most recently I've continued work on a bash script to convert OpenMRS modules from Ant to Maven and started a Maven branch using this script for one of the modules I've worked with, Idgen.
Here's a list of issues I've either actively worked on or been involved in discussions (ordered roughly by time spent):
TRUNK-241 Add Maven Integration
TRUNK-1686 Create openmrs module maven conversion script
TRUNK-1690 Add coding conventions to maven
TRUNK-1712 Rename modified dependencies in maven repository and project
TRUNK-1682 Add maven module for checkstyle
TRUNK-1705 Add distribution section to pom for deploying to maven repository
TRUNK-1713 Fix dependencies in maven project for move to Spring 3
TRUNK-1830 Duplicate dependencies in poms
TRUNK-1747 Fix maven build to not fail if .svn folders not present
TRUNK-1704 jetty resource filtering prevents running mvn eclipse:eclipse
TRUNK-1703 jetty:run locks static resources on windows
TRUNK-1726 Allow jetty context to be configured
ITSM-450 Install a Nexus Server for Maven Repo
ITSM-463 Update CI plans to new maven trunk
TRUNK-12 Fix @Should tags in Generated Javadoc
TRUNK-434 Multi Level Database Caching
TRUNK-1734 Logic is not included in openmrs trunk anymore after maven switch
Another project I became involved with is the Maven Java Code Formatter project on GoogleCode.
For the OpenMRS project, I was looking for a way to format Java source code with a Maven plugin using either checkstyle or Eclipse formatter config files. There are a lot of developers on the OpenMRS project using different IDEs (Eclipse, NetBeans, Intellij IDEA) and also different OS, and this can result in ugly code (spacing, newlines).
This GoogleCode project fit what I was looking for and I was granted access as a committer. I cleaned up the project, added new features, added site docs, and released the new 0.2 version to the Sonatype and Maven central repositories (all documented in the issues and on the Features Wiki).
Great job Matty. I haven't contributed to any open source projects for a long time.