I had an old Java project lying around, a simple class to parse a Wikipedia page and send an email when text changed.
I used it to notify myself when a new issue of a comic, the Walking Dead, was available.
Finally I took some time and converted it over to Maven.
Surprising as it is, I didn't have it installed on here, so I had to set it up.
I created a basic pom and ended up changing to using commons-email instead of just the mail api and smtp.
Finally I ran the class using the maven exec plugin.
I also configured the main class and classpath in the jar plugin, incase I decide to run it as a jar instead.
I like Maven, I am an enthusiast, but migrating to Maven is not smooth, especially with ongoing development.
Usually a branch gets created, porting and testing the project in Maven, while trunk dev continues.
And since merging can be ugly and lose information, it can be better to just redo the changes on trunk when ready to move over.
I've done this in the past by creating a bash script to run on the trunk when ready, moving the files to the standard layout and adding the poms.
So the comic issue notifier code works well as long as someone else is updating the wiki page,
which didn't happen this time, so updated the page myself.
Read through the new Walking Dead issue #84.
Glad to see the possibility of Carl surviving, the group working together, and Rick finding himself.
I was disgusted with Rick in the last issue, running away and leaving people he cared about to die.
This issue restored some of my faith in him.
Though if Carl died, I can just imagine him spiraling out of control.
I really hope this doesn't happen, Carl is badass, like the gunslinger, and I hope he continues on.
Waiting time, another month to find out.
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